NSABP B-39 / RTOG 0413 ITC Data Submission Checklist

The following items are to be submitted to the Image-Guided Therapy QA Center (ITC) for all PBI Benchmarks and Protocol Cases accrued on NSABP B-39/RTOG 0413:

Digital images and treatment planning data in DICOM-RT or RTOG data exchange format (includes CTs, contours, plans, and 3-D dose distributions) May be submitted via FTP (contact ITC at 314-747-5415 or itc@wustl.edu to obtain an account) or on CD media sent to the address shown below.
Hardcopy/screen-capture color iso-doses Hardcopy may be mailed to ITC at the address shown below. Screen-capture JPEG files may be submitted along with treatment planning data (via FTP or CD media) or emailed to the ITC (itc@wustl.edu).
Digital Data Submission Information (DDSI) Form Online and PDF versions can found on the ATC website Contact ITC at 314-747-5415 or itc@wustl.edu to obtain password for online form.

Please note that no data are to be submitted to the ITC for cases accrued to the WBI arm of this protocol.

Please send hardcopy documents to the following address:

Image-Guided Therapy QA Center
4511 Forest Park, Suite 200
St. Louis, MO 63108
Attn: Roxana Haynes

Document maintained by Walter R. Bosch

Send email to: bosch@radonc.wustl.edu
Phone: 314-747-5415
FAX: 314-747-5423

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